The Well Contemporary Worship Service

11:00 am- Well Contemporary Worship Service

Every service at UCUMC is family friendly, but at our 11:00 service, extra attention is given to worshiping God in ways that resonate with every member of the family - from the youngest, to the most senior.

Each week, early in the service, a brief Children’s Message is offered by the pastor. Once done, children may choose to return to their seats, or go to Children’s Church, accompanied by members of our Family Life Ministry Team for experiential learning in our Life Enrichment Center, attached to the sanctuary.

For the whole Family, dress is comfortable, the music is a mix of contemporary and traditional selections, the preaching is story rich, and the Lord’s Supper is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.

Whether you’re a disciple of Jesus for many years - new to the faith - returning to church after a time away - or just curious - there’s a place for you and your family here.

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Our Church Facebook Page

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