Children’s Church

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Matthew 19:14

Children are important to Jesus, which means children are important to us too! Children’s Church was created with children age 4 through grade 5 in mind and provides an experience rich environment for the children to learn about God’s love.

The Children’s Church experience begins in worship with families sitting together. Early in the service, our Pastor will offer a Mini Message for the children which reflects the worship message of the day. Once done, children may return to their seats, or move with members of our Family Life Ministry Team to our Life Enrichment Center (LEC), where the children will have room to move and interact while learning with their hearts, minds, and hands. Children will return to the sanctuary during our closing hymn. Sometimes they will share what they’ve learned, sometimes they will sing a new song, sometimes they will recite a learned Bible verse, each time, they will receive the closing blessing with their families before going again into the world.

Join us on Sunday Mornings for a relaxed and family Friendly worship service and Children’s Church