Care Team

Care Team members minister to people living at home who are unable to travel, people living in skilled nursing care facilities, and people confined during hospitalization through ministries of presence, prayer, and Holy Communion. Care Team members remain in connection for as long as they are needed.


Note writer’s ministry

Who is writing those warm and thoughtful notes that arrive in the mail? No one knows. It’s a mystery, and what a beautiful and inspired ministry it is!


stephen ministry

Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life, but they all share a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need. If you feel called to serve or if you are in need of these services, please contact us!


prayer ministry

All are called to pray. For some, there is a call to focus on the ministry of prayer for the world and all who live in it. We have such a community of prayer ministers at UCUMC.

For more information contact Lenny Dagg, Pastor of Congregational Care at the church office.